Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I Think I Should Be President

One day we will all look back at this bailout nonsense and see it as the perfect distillation Bush administration: “leadership” built upon two things, fear mongering and unaccountability.

The first thing we heard from the administration was that of course we need a massive bailout. But before they even gave anybody a chance to process this information, they also screeched that with the bailout there should be NO restrictions, no regulations, no oversight, and no possible legal ramifications. What? Right away, anybody with a brain should be thinking “this is…odd.” As read HERE. Not just the fact that the administration insisted that the very set of ideas which had helped propel the economy into the shitter (no restrictions, no regulations, no oversight, and no possible legal ramifications) be used to get us OUT of the shitter, but the fact that they IMMEDIATELY went out of their way to tell us that’s how it would be. Wouldn’t it occur to them that such foolish chutzpah would NOT make Americans more thrilled about bailing out a bunch of millionaires? Thus is like going to a job interview, and in the interview informing them that you will not allow for any supervision or critique of any sort – you will do Sudoko all day at your desk and you damn well better get paid for it. Unreal. The Bush administration seemed less concerned about fixing the problem, and more concerned with making sure that we let them have all-consuming power with no possible oversight. We get it shitheads, you wanna make sure your 8 richest friends get even richer off of this. As usual, CAN YOU AT LEAST TRY TO FOOL US??!??!?

The way Bush came out a week or two ago, we were supposed to feel like if we didn’t immediately get on board with the almost trillion dollar bailout and do cartwheels about it, then Muslims were going to dig up baby Jesus and rape him repeatedly with iron-hot shovels over and over. After years of this, does ANYbody take anything seriously when he gets on a tv screen huffing and puffing? No. It’s impossible.

And here we are two weeks later. We’ve all survived. I’m not an economist, I’m sure we are/will be in the tank for a while. But, as seen in this article, the mass of American lives are spent trying to get through the day. Trying to scare us with economical vagaries don’t have the cache they might’ve once had – especially after years of being worn down to the nubs by fear-mongering.

In short: if for Halloween this year you wanted to dress up as the Bush Adminstration, a bailout costume would be perfect.

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