Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just Once, for Fuck's Sake

Over the past 6 weeks Republican pundits have said that the reason Sarah Palin is qualified to run the country is because she has "executive experience." And they've repeated this mantra about 16,000 times. And yet NOT ONCE have I seen anybody speak up "hey, you know who else did? Bush." How is this possible? grrrrr.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Hey- How is it that we always wind up with candidates who, oddly enough don't seem qualified to be running this place?! Seems that there ought to be some kind of prerequisite courses for the job of President, something to filter out the flimflam. Hoops. Bars. An aptitude test, and psychological exams taken at the get-go, you know, before anyone would be considered to even look at the application. Wait....IS THERE EVEN AN APPLICATION? There must be.