Monday, October 20, 2008


So it looks like after weeks of pounding away, McCain trying to smear Obama with William Ayers comes out a big fat zero. Nobody, it turns out, really gives a shit.

So what did the geniuses in the McCain camp come up with in the wake of these findings? That's right: digging up the tired bones of the Rev. Wright, and pounding away at THAT for a while. Obviously therein cruising to an easy victory in 3 weeks. Hmm.

Hey, I like McCain's thinking here! Let's see: Ayers did actually set off a bunch of bombs back in the day. But's that's not enough to change things in McCain's favor. So let's then ratchet things up by hammering him with a guy who SAID some mean things in a church! YES!!!! GOT HIM!!!...kinda like when Luke tried to kill Darth Vader with his light saber, but then switched to trying to goad Vader into an eating disorder with some thoughtfully placed insults about his weight.

Hey, if that doesn't work, maybe there's are some kittens in Obama's past that shredded some curtains one day they can bring up!!! WE CAN DO THIS, MCCAIN CAMP!!! YES WE CAN!!


I have offered this campaign all the help in the world, what more I do???

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