Monday, October 20, 2008

We Did It!

A coupla years ago I received an email that included every single centerfold in the history of Playboy. I remember thinking "okay, that's that - no need ever again for email. This will never be topped, no need to bother."

And that's the way I feel about this posting over at Think Progess.

I mean, this one has it all:

- open, unapologetic racism
- red meat via liberals HATE Americans that work and believe in God!
- and are Marxists
- Saddam caused 9/11 dogma
- extreme closed-mindedness after being reminded Saddam DIDN'T pull off 9/11
- Iraq needs Jesus!
- so does the rest of the world
- oh yeah, and of course the media is "liberal"

Awesome; seriously, there's not a line in there that's not head-smacking awesome - if Sarah Palin had wandered on-screen cracking her gum I woulda blown my brains out "we're done here!"

We've done it, nowhere else to go...I'm shutting down the internet!!!

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