Monday, October 27, 2008

Strike Two

A few weeks ago The UG found itself about to be on the unfortunate end of an ass-kicking from yours truly. SIX TIMES I tried to post a comment on one of his..."posts"...(cough) and, for some reason, kept getting rejected. Now, as the UG and I are buddies, I felt sorry for him, and showed mercy by not burying his..."blog"? the "Graveyard of Shit Blogs that Xmastime has Destroyed" aka THE BLOGYARD.

And then today, it happened AGAIN. I had thrown some charity his way by attaching my name to his blog by commenting on some stupid shit he was blathering about, feeling good about helping somebody else out for once, and...BLAMMO! Comment rejected!!

I am losing my patience with UG. He is one rejected comment away from Strike 3 - a fact I feel important enough to list on my own blog, to get the message across. And since people actually VISIT my blog.


SIDE NOTE: the post here. To whit I replied in agreement, to say nothing of having done it 2 1/2 years before UG got his head out of his ass:

4) We’re in America, so quit fucking saying “cheers!” when drinking. Whenever anyone says that I automatically think “must be gay.” The only way you can get away with this is if you’re actually British. Which is ironic, since if you’re British, I’ll think you’re gay.

From the Gospel According to Things are Good.

1 comment:

ope said...
