Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Attention Songwriters:

Enough with the misuse of "heart attack." I know it's a nice ear-grabber and it makes you sound pathos-emo-dramatic, but enuff. He don't give you a heart attack, she don't make you shake like a heart attack, nobodies gonna move you like a heart attack. Shut it down for fuck's sake.

Next up: nobody "lives out loud." Knock it off.


here. said...

yet, "river deep, mountain high" is given a pass ... hmm ... inneresting

Xmastime said...

1) thats one of the 3 greatest songs of all time

2) that was 42 years ago. at one time, "moon and june" was a great lyric

here. said...

i know, i know, in order ...

paradise by the dashboard light
river deep, mountain high
runnin through the fire

did an emo girl or boy make you cry in front of people? is that why you hate them so?

Xmastime said...

Eddie Wilson lives!! out loud!!!