Sunday, November 02, 2008

I Been Wrong All These Years?

I was in a bookstore yesterday and all of a sudden I noticed that I was virtually surrounded by young women, leading me to wonder what the fuck have I been doing going to bars all these years to meet women? For one thing, unlike in a bar nowadays, there wasn't skull-crushingly loud music peeling the paint off the walls. If I wanted to talk to one of the girls, I could do so without screaming at the top of my lungs - a volume I would like to reserve for the first time I catch her on my couch with her "cousin", thank you very much. Also, I'm in a bookstore, so she already knows I can read. Which is a big plus. And I guess the not drinking cancels itself out - while it BAD that she's not shitfaced, I guess it's GOOD that I'm not. Also, in a book store she's less likely to be surrounded by her fat, ugly friends who will do anything to keep you from getting with her, therein keeping her as miserable as they are. Another plus.

The book store. How bout that. Giood for something after all.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

And church. And dog runs in parks.