Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I assume most true 90210philes claim their high school years to be the show's golden aged peak - maybe due more to nostalgia than actual watching - but here we are, sophomore year of college, and we seem to have entered A SECOND Golden Age: Steve's running rampant at the KEG House, Brandon is Presnit and Valerie just showed up. And, AMAZINGLY, in the single episode I'm watching right now, the Peach Pit After Dark AND the evil Ray Pruit* have been introduced. Unbelievable. Are there other shows with more than one true "Golden Age"? Usually a show's wheelhouse is fairly easy to define - are there any shows as wildly popular as this one where an argument may be made for several different eras?

Sigh. (kisses)

* I just had to correct the spelling of his name; I originally had 2 "t"s, but, as he just told Donna, his mama could only afford one. Sigh.

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