Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm a Loser (remembered)

I was pleasantly surprised that the short documentary Robert Kennedy Remembered not only was an award-winning film narrated by Richard Burton, but was also made in 1968...obviously within months of his death (and made by Charles Guggtenheim.) The suddenness of it makes it feel more real, raw.

In my search for more info on the film, I came across this:

I don't remember if it was her birthday, or Christmas, or just cause I was a sweetie pie (prolly the correct answer here), but the first gift I ever got my first girlfriend was a bracelet from a little stand in the mall called Things Remembered. It was a bracelet, and I paid for the engraving of "I Melt with You" on it; waiting those 15 minutes I'm sure were one big drenched bedsheet of panic, confidence, love, anxiety and more anxiety. But I got it...I think the chain was made of links, and the whole thing was "gold" (cough) and it was a big hit when I presented it to her.

I'm not sure why I thought of that (oh yeah...the Things Remembered ad), but it seems to me that a linking of the death of RFK to that bracelet means I'm gonna be doing VERY well with the ladies from here on. Bank on it.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

I'd like to put down $50 on Xmastime locking lips within the week.