Sunday, November 09, 2008

Immodest Proposal

I was reading Mike Lupica this morning, and he was yammering on and on about how much Yankee Stadium is costing the city, and what it's outrageous costs etc etc; I started fading out cause it was, well, Lupica.

But the talk of the outrageous costs got me thinking of the OUTRAGEOUS ticket prices they'll be charging, and I've decided that Yankee Stadium has to figure out a way to have commercials on that huge fucking jumbo-tron thing pay for our seating. Thanks to Bud Lite and KFC commercials on the "Tron", no ticket should ever be more than $10. Period. And hell, I'd just as soon have to watch a commercial with the funny Miller High Life guy than have the fucking jumborton blare at me to get up and cheer cause the bases are loaded, as if I didn't fucking know already.

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