Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Xmastime Sunday Brunch Radio Hour!

Go Lil Camaro Go – The Ramones
Go Lil Camaro Go - The Ramones

Dead End Kids – The Neckbones
The Neckbones were from Oxford, MS and were the reigning “rockers” in town when I lived there in the mid-90s. That was a funny time; I guess it was after the success of Green Day et al, and all of a sudden the term “punk,” a moniker which had worked against of all bands The Ramones when it had negative connotations, was lopped onto every band description possible. Rockabilly-punk, psycho-billy punk, poet-punk, punkthrash, whatever. Was silly. Also at the time Oxford was trying to become “the new Athens”, and had about a million bands knocking about town – but the joke was, there was only one drummer, Ted Gainey. So I, like everybody else I guess, was trying to put a band together, and Ted (after actually playing my record on the radio station!) was nice enough to give me the number of another drummer in town. I call, we agree to meet up at his house etc. Turns out the kid was 14 years old. Next thing I know I find myself in his living room being quizzed by his mother – what were my intentions, did I do drugs, was I in the habit of driving drunk, etc etc etc. I was like jesus lady, I’m not taking the fucking kid to the goddam prom. Needless to say, we never played together. (ironically, me and the kid dated for 8 months. a beautiful boy man.)
Dead End Kids - The Neckbones

The Irish Rover – The Pogues
When I was a kid my dad always tried to make a big deal out of us being Irish (the only ones in town), but who gives a shit what your dad says when you’re young? Certainly not me. When we got a little older my dad came up with the idea that on St. Patrick’s Day, he would administer a quiz to my brother and me on the history of Irish saints; the winner would get a pizza from TA-DA! Roma’s. A week or so before the 17th he’d give us some big, over-the-top dry book to read on the subject. My brother would actually read it; I’d get to page 3 and then start wondering if I’d rather be in Def Leppard or Duran Duran (trick question – I’d be better off being a dead Irish saint.) So guess who would win the “competition”? But the thing is, I’d still get the pizza – the pizza would come, and I’d hafta toast to Brothatime!!!’s Irish brilliance, but I’d do it with a mouthful of cheese and grease on my face. To this day, I live by that creed: "I will not read for pizza." Anyways, my dad didn’t have a lot of records that weren’t some military marching band or some such, but he did have this IRISH ROVERS record, and I about wore it out when I was a wee one - in particular this song. I wish I had the Irish Rover’s version that I speak of, but the Pogues are always close enough when it’s about the motherland.

The Irish Rov - The Pogues

Disappeared – Tandy
From Some Summer’s Day, a record I LOVE LOVE LOVE – I’d put the first half of this record up against any record on the planet. But the funny thing is, they’ve put out about 10 albums since, and I haven’t heard a single one. And they play 2 blocks from my house like 3 times a week, and I never go. One night I was at the Halloween bar and Mike, the singer/songwriter, was there and I told him how much I loved Some Summer’s Day. “Hold on” he said, then left the bar. Hmm, I remember thinking, he just left me and walked out of the bar – is he a woman I'd like to sleep with? A few minutes later he came back. He had gone to his apartment to get me an advance copy of the next album, along with a whole packet of press/media stuff. A super-nice dude. Not so nice was the girl later that night who, after making out with me all night, used the ol’ “I’m leaving for rehab in a few hours” line to get out of going home with me. Grrrr.
Disappeared - Tandy

Wolf in the Mood – Howlin Wolf
A fun shuffle. I’m all for any song with the artist’s name in the title; I’m fairly certain that the Ramones were pissed that Motorhead beat them to a song actually titled “RAMONES.” Or that Lemmy always refused to cut that thing off his face. Though I do believe Uncle Buck put it best:

Wolf in the Mood - Howlin Wolf

Twenty-Five Miles to Go – Edwin Starr
I don’t know what I’m thinking more of right now – how great this song is, or the fact that Edwin Starr (War!) had a second song. I had no idea. In addition to the other rules I seem to be piling up re: cuts I like, let’s add “I’m always for songs that have the word “feets” in them.” Who came up with the phrase “feets don’t fail me now?” Me, every time I’m about to bed a woman and take off my socks? Yeesh. If it wasn’t for Canoe dipping cologne, I’d prolly NEVER get laid.
Twenty-Five Miles - Edwin Starr

Red Red Wine – Neil Diamond
This is a perfect example of a song you knew for years, then found out it was a cover. I’m sure I’m not in the minority for having heard the UB40 version in high school and DIDN’T think “say, that sounds like Neil Diamond!” And how did UB40 get so popular; I thought MTV was gonna get rid of ugly bands? Ergo the “mysterious” disappearance of Christopher Cross? And why the fuck has the inevitable merging of UB40 and David Silver not happened yet? Why are they making us wait so long; ARE WE IN RED CHINA FOR CHRISSAKE?????!!
Red, Red Wine - Neil Diamond

We Shall Overcome – Bruce Springsteen
I remember watching Bruce play this in Jersey, and Lil Bear was there with his mom and dad. Geez, Lil Bear must’ve been about 3 months at the time? Unbelievable. I remember the emotion of the crowd while Bruce was playing this, and the feeling of family and closeness we felt, holding Lil Bear, and I remember looking right at him when he decided to say his first words: “Is this mf gonna play Jesse’s Girl already? Wtf?” Sigh. Bruce, you did it again!!
We Shall Overcome - Bruce Springsteen

My Little Red Book – Love
Tired of typing. Taking a break. (Kelly is in the ladies room telling her mom she’s pregnant. Whore. Kelly, too.)
My Little Red Book - Love

Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) – Marvin Gaye
I was on the school bus coming home when someone ran out of their house and told us that Marvin Gaye had been shot. Same thing when Reagan got shot. Other things I learned on the bus: what titties look like, what reel to reel porn looks like, what pussy looks like, what a metal Happy Days lunch box looks like after the big kids decided to beat the shit out of it for a while. That makes me sad ☹ More on the bus HERE.
Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) - Marvin Gaye

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