Monday, November 10, 2008

No Palin in 2012

Since I've lived in New York, I've had many women BEWILDERED as to why I don't have a girlfriend; "I want a boyfriend JUST LIKE YOU!!" they always say, sipping their appletini. Of course it turns out they want a boyfriend "just like me" except, of course, better-looking and richer as well.

Which is what I think of when I hear people trying to say that Sarah Palin will be the GOP nominee for president in 2012. As godawful shitty as the Republicans have been at governing, they're still pretty good at running elections. So to think that over the next few years they can't find somebody JUST LIKE HER (Jesus-y gun-toting neo-con) except more seasoned and without having already been made a fool of (deservedly so or not) seems like wishful thinking on the left's part to me.


Anonymous said...

The problem is, no matter who the Republicans trot out and how inclusive they attempt to be, you Dems will ALWAYS cry "Uncle Tom" or whatever the female version is (Ann Coulter?). ALWAYS. Because Republicans have to be white male racists rich guys or the Dems' cover is blown and the world sees the Dems are no more inclusive, no less elitist or no more a "Party of the People" than anyone else in politics. To many extents, politics is all about the Man Behind the Curtain projecting the all-powerful Oz, especially when it is, in fact, a man.


Xmastime said...

well, if it's so easy to blow the Dem's "cover" wide open, why hasn't it been done?

and your first pick outside of the "rich white guy" box, and you come up with Palin? really? do you honestly believe that there was not a GOP version of Hillary somewhere for the picking? you had 18 million heartbroken Hillary supporters looking for a no-nonsense ballbuster in a pantsuit, and McCain picked Palin? There was NO ONE in your party who mighta fit that need a little better? youre mad at the wrong guy, MOOMRF (my one of many republican friends)

hey, Ronald Reagan was an actor who got picked to run for president. is there not a difference between him and, say, Carrot Top?