Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today on Meet the Press while speaking about the possible auto industry bailout Tavis Smiley mentioned the "P-Word": poverty. This jumped out at me because over last 2 years the only people who have even brought up poverty are me and John Edwards (BFF!)

Now, one of the things these big companies do when they've got their mitts out for $$$ is to start talking about the workers, trying to appeal to our own sense of compassion/waterworks; oh, the workers, the workers are gonna be without jobs, how can we turn our backs on them?!?!?!? Yeah, they will be. If they're not already below poverty level, they probably will be if they lose their jobs. Thanks to you of course running the company into the ground.

12% of the people in this country live below the poverty line. I'm never asked to give a shit about these people; why should I now, just so that the same 6 people at the top of the auto industry can get their money and stay outrageously rich?

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