Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I've spent a while now asking my friends if there's been a sitcom since Roseanne that portrayed "real" lower middle-class families. Even the "struggling" characters on today's sitcoms are absurd - eg in The King of Queens, the characters are a UPS guy and secretary, yet they live in a humongous house with a yard, a huge garage, and a basement that's the size of a baseball diamond. In Queens. And this is a "struggling" couple in today's sitcom world.

I watched about 6 hours of Roseanne today on the Oxygen channel, and it's right at the sweet spot, the second season. And then I saw this article, which echoes my sentiments re: the abusrdity of the way characters on tv look now, along with their never-ending stream of $100K cars and mansions. How often do you see a character on tv in a car that looks like it has more than three miles on it? Somewhere along the line, TV decided that "real" was "unwatchable" and "not money-making", and they pulled the switch, and it's always been my thought that it happened after Roseanne.

I've always loved Roseanne, it's in my Sitcom Top 5 and has held up amazingly well over the years. And it holds the unique distinction of having a character who is a Mrs. Xmastime replaced by another character who is also a Mrs. Xmastime. And one of these days I'll learn a synonym for my amazingly overused "amazing." Grr.

Becky I blog HERE.

Beckys on Mrs. Xmastime list HERE.

9) THE TWO BECKY CONNORS - Lecy Goranson and Sarah Chalke. Both, of course played Becky on "Roseanne." I mean, how amazing would it be to fuck 2 chicks that played the same character on tv? You can have your Darrens from "Bewitched", I'll take these two...although technically, didn't the Olsen twins play the same character in 'Full House'? Tagging the two of them would be great, but I dunno...just occurred to me...what if you're hitting on one of the Olsens, and flatter her a bit with her great work on 'Full House', and you go home with her. Could you really be involved with someone who's okay with you being a "man" and a fan of "Full House"? I dunno. Just like when my last girlfriend stayed with me even after finding my Bert & Ernie fuck-doll set, there's a certain amount of respect lost, no? Meanwhile, I think the Becky I v. Becky II argument is worthy of its own post, so stay tuned for that one.


Anonymous said...

Preaching to the choir, brother. I am now the proud owner of the entire series on DVD. Never gets old. And like I said, John Connor is the most underrated sitcom actor.

Monica B.

Anonymous said...

John Connor? I mixed up John Goodman with Dan Connor.. and I guess a dash of Terminator.. But you know what I mean.