Monday, November 24, 2008

Suicide Online

I was taking a second to think of something uproariously funny to say about the kid who committed suicide online and the idiots that cheered him on, but then it just occurred to watching it and commenting etc without calling the cops or an ambulance, weren't these onlookers breaking the law? The Good Samaritan Law; ie what Seinfeld got busted for on the final episode? I don't even mean to turn this into a "It All Comes Down to Costanza!" riff, but isn't this against the law in some states? And wouldn't some of these voyeurs be in those states?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most states don't have that law, thank God. You shouldn't have to save someone from themselves - by civil or criminal jurisprudence. Similarly, I think VA is one of the last states to apply that mentality to drinking in bars - the bartender is not forcing you to get shithoused and wreck your car, so why can't you just take care of yourself?