Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We HAVE Come a Long Way

Speaking of black people, is it more incredible that we just voted a black man president, or that we voted a Hawaiian president? I mean, black people I know; I grew up with them, have spent tons of time with them. But someone from Hawaii? You might as well say they're from Saturn - if some dude from Hawaii walked up to me and started talking, I don't even think I'm joking when I say the phrase "speaks good English!" would cross my mind as I look over his should for the pig roasting slowly on a stick. Seriously, Hawaii...who woulda thunk it?


Anonymous said...

Another reason why too many folks are dead wrong in thinking that "Obama is just like me." Man of the People, not even close, deluded commoners. But Shannon's mom is from Hawaii, so don't talk bad , HAOLE.

Xmastime said...

well, i wouldnt say he is any less "American" or "of the people", but Hawaii is strange to ME...as Im sure some shitkicker from Tappahannock would be to HIM