Friday, December 05, 2008

Attention America:

Enjoy all the wars we are currently fighting in.
Enjoy the thousands of men and women blown to bits in these wars, dead or marred beyond recognition.
Enjoy the threat of a bomb on your train, or airplane, or arena.
Enjoy your home being taken away from you due to bad loan policy.
Enjoy losing your job just before Christmas this year.
Enjoy your 401k being gone, no matter how many years you've worked for it.
Enjoy the oncoming Depression, one to rival that ove 80 years ago, literally and figuratively choking on dust as sickness and starvation and complete removal of dignity sets in.
Sit back and enjoy America becoming a second-world nation.

Take a minute, take a breath, look around, and savor today.

Cause guess what?

Shit's about to get a LOT worse.

Godspeed, us.


Kiko Jones said...

Shit, dude. It's pretty bleak out there; no need to rub it in w/news of Fallon's impending talk show stint.

Anonymous said...

All this despite electing your shitdontstink rock star, mancrush president. Watch Fever Pitch one more time and "Keep hope alive!" YORF