Monday, December 29, 2008


Ten days ago I shared a nightmare 4-hour delay at JFK with the Short Bus, and while most of the details have slipped away to the sands of time due to 1) Christmas 2) a wedding 3) I'm old, one thing I remember is I noticed there's no fucking clock on airplanes. Why is this? Most of us use our cell phones as our clocks nowadays, but despite the fact that I have to punch about 24 buttons to text a 1 or 0 on my phone it somehow is capable of taking over the plane's electronics and driving us into the ocean so we all have to turn them off, rendering them unusable even as clocks. Why is there no clock up front, where we all can see it? Why do they not want us to know how close or far we are from landing, what do they think we're gonna do? I understand casinos wanting you to lose track of time, but I"m on a plane...where the fuck am I going?

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