Monday, December 29, 2008

He Really IS Amazing!!

I see that once again Bush is clearing brush in Crawford while the world goes tits up. First in the weeks up to 9-11 and then Katrina, and now he won't come back from vacation as violence in the Middle East explodes. This one is particularly puzzling - after rolling the dice and pretty much basing the entire legacy of his presidency on peace in the Middle East (God told him, of course), he can't be bothered to come out of his romper room to get back to The White House and try to do something about it now? REEeeeeeeeally? I must say, I'm mildly amused at his sheer "fuck that, I'm on vacation" stance here. I mean, what can you say? Bravo!

And now I will do the revisionist's work (as mentioned below) for them: can't these idiots connect the dots between shit-tastrophe's happening around the world whenever Bush is on vacation and try to claim that "seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, whenever he's not on duty, everything goes to shit!!!? He MUST be amazing at the job!"? Worth a try, no? They've made more ridiculous claims than that. Probably today, even.

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