Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Starting too Think I'm Gonna Miss Him

This article at Think Progress pretty much sums up the Bush Administration, in that "so unbelievable it's almost comical, were it not actually true and was costing us lives and money." I mean, who could script shit such as this?

Symbolical of the agency’s shortcomings under Bush, Edwin G. Foulke Jr., a former Bush fundraiser appointed to head OSHA in 2006, “acquired a reputation inside the Labor Department as a man who literally fell asleep on the job.

His top aides said they rustled papers, wore attention-getting garb, pounded the table for emphasis or gently kicked his leg, all to keep him awake. But, if these tactics failed, sometimes they just continued talking as if he were awake.

I'll be honest: as much of a fuckup as I've thought Bush to be all these years, I did give him enough credit to think I'd be able to make it to Jan 20, 2009 without being able to reference Weekend at Bernies in accordance with his handling of a major government agency, but god bless him, he once again steps up to the plate and knocks one out of the park for us. Fucking awesome.

1) Recklessly deregulate agency as much as possible.
2) Make sure agency is working for the absurdly rich corporate mofos, by way of
3) Inserting incompetent Bush crony as the head - in this case, a guy who does at meetings what causes most on-the-job accidents throughout the workplace. Irony, you had me at "hello."
4) Make sure that it costs tax-payers billions of dollars a year ($108B/year!!!!!) while being the "fiscally conservative" party. Hmm.

Seriously - if the Bush Administration did not exist, would you be able to invent it? I say no way. Nobody's that imaginative. That's why I'm recommending that after his presidency is mercifully over, Bush is put in charge of all television. I'm serious - I'm starting to think he's the only person on Earth who could come up with shit that would finally put to bed both reality tv and the "goofy husband/hot wife" and "sexy, hot friends" sitcoms glut of crap. Just have someone sit down with him every few weeks for ideas. Just ask him questions about situations.

ASKER: So...your best friend has left you in charge of his goldfish while he's away. But the goldfish dies. What do you do? (correct answer: buy replica of goldfish, try to pass off to friend as his, hilarity ensues.)
BUSH: Hmm. Well, let's see...I guess I'd (insert 10-minute narrative, none of which is based in anything remotely resembling what a normal human would think of, both stunningly comical and tragic in it's "are you shitting me?"-ness.)
ASKER: REEEally???!!....oh, wow...yep, got it...and then what?...oh, god, yes...

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