Sunday, December 14, 2008

John Wilkes Boot

I'm not surprised some dude threw a shoe at Bush today. But I am surprised he was able to throw a SECOND shoe. That's a rather sleepy security detail, no? I guess I always imagined that at the drop of a hat of any semblance of trouble, the secret service would swarm like locusts, with walls of steel coming outta the floor in front of the president. But in this case, they're like "...oh look, a show being hurled at the president...I should think about changing shampoos...maybe something fruity...hey, another shoe..."

If I'm on the fence re: wondering if I should go into the presidential assassination field, this video certainly gives me confidence and tips me over to the "YES" side. Well, if we didn't suck at assassinations so much these days.

And I know the shoe thrower was just an angry journalist and not a real assassin, but wouldn't it be funny if he was? Graduates from the Assassination Academy (AA), and the best he can do is shoes? Reminds me of something I wrote last year in a post about KISS:
And how much must it have sucked to be Peter Criss and walk in the day the band decides on who’s gonna be what character, and it’s like oh, great…I’m a kitten. Thanks, guys. Demon Spawn, Rock Star, Rocker Space Child, and Nermal. What the fuck. This reminds me of a few weeks after 9/11 when that bus outside of Nashville was attacked by a terrorist and a few people got killed. How’d that guy feel on Terrorist Academy Graduation Day when their assignments were given?

“Wow!! I’m gonna fly a huge jet into the World Trade Center! YES!”
“Me too!! Fuckin awesome! (high five)”
“I got the Pentagon! This is awesome!! What about you, Assid?”
“What the…Greyhound Bus?...where the fuck is Nashville? A bus??!! Oh, MAN! This is total bullshit!!!!!!”

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