Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Two Dumbshit Condi Quotes

While defending her boyfriend:
"I think this is in much better shape than we found it," said Rice.
It's hard to imagine anybody offering a real case that Bush et al have left the Middle East, or America, or probably even the White House bowling lanes in better shape than they found it. This is the gang, after all, who did the economic equivalent of being handed a Peter Luger's steak and turning it into a used McRib in a urinal. And I say that with all due respect to the McRib.

Perhaps what she meant by this quote is that CONDOLEEZA RICE is in much better shape than at the beginning of Bush's presidency. Let's face it - as not only a former Secretary of State but as a former Secretary of State who is also a black woman, she will be raking in money hand over fist between speeches and books, not to mention she can pop up on tv anytime she wants. Whether she spends that time defending Bush or turning on him and producing juicy tell-alls, certainly she is laughing all the way to the bank about all this.
"Good historians are still writing books about George Washington."
I suppose she means that 200 years from now, historians will be wrestling with whether or not Bush was a great president or not. Except that's not why people still write about George Washington. While certainly anyone who digs can find flaws in his own presidency, we're still reading and writing about Washington because of the uniqueness of his being the first president. He is an extremely interesting historical figure who crescendoed at the very birth of our nation - both on the battlefield and in government. Nobody's writing books about Washington grappling with whether or not he was a good president and great leader; it's fairly well-agreed upon that he was. To claim any comparison between the two other than their first names is fairly laughable.

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