Monday, December 29, 2008

Wedding Ideas, Part II

Another thing that needs to change about weddings is the rehearsals. How worthless are these things? Like car alarms, or women, right? It's basically 30 minutes of laughing followed immediately by "does anybody know what the hell we're supposed to do?" In other words, exactly like sex.

But what's funny is that for such a pomp-and-circumstance occasion, the people that run things never seem to give a shit. You're led to believe that if you make a misstep you'll completely ruin two peoples' (at least) lives, yet after running you through things, the coordinator always just shrugs "don't worry about it, you'll figure it out." I guess I don't like the wishy washiness - either fucking drill us like we're the Arlington Color Guard, or just tell us to show up and do whatever the fuck we want. For fuck's sake, there's more order and decisiveness in ordering a cheesesteak from Pat's than a wedding.

ps - a side note, to my earlier post: I remember every Pat's cheesesteak I've ever eaten (and am more likely to get choked up thinking about them.)

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