Monday, December 29, 2008

Wedding Ideas, Part I

The price per person for the reception I was at was just under $200. Which seems fairly standard for most of the weddings I've been to through the years. Which seems ridiculous, cause 99% of the time the food is kinda blah, standard roast beef/vegetables whatever. Not "bad" per se, but forgettable. I've never come away from a wedding blathering about the food. And if right now you're thinking "of course not, your mind was on the beautiful union of souls in love", you don't fucking know me. I still spend a few minutes of the day fantasizing about travel plazas I've ravaged while riding the bus, so if I don't mention food at a wedding, odds are it was incredibly unremarkable. Which seems standard for wedding receptions.

Isn't there some way to remedy this - when you RSVP to a wedding invite, instead of simply checking off "chicken" or "fish", can't there be a special arrangement wherein you can opt for an alternative up to, say, $10? Anything within reason, that is...the hosts would save a shitload of money, and I'd get to eat McNuggets and enjoy myself instead of pretending to eat spinach inside a piece of chicken. Seems fairly simple. Am the midst of changing the very sacrament of marriage?

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