Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Ah, Curt...You Fucking Idiot

I wasn't gonna bother commenting on my BFF Curt Schilling's latest "Just in case you had forgotten what a complete fucking idiot I am, please read this" rant-off - mostly I laughed and shook my head "what an idiot" as per usual (including about 50% of the comments I saw, where his FANS were like "hey Curt...shut up.")

But then I actually read the Shaughnessy article, and realized that the line that got Curt's g-string in a bunch is, you know...ONE LINE!!! Yeah, Shaughnessy used him as a brief example...but Curt the Idiot doesn't even mention the fact that the article was about the BC football coach and not, you know...CURT SCHILLING. He's fucking crying like a guy who got his shoes scuffed at Ground Zero.

And, because I cannot sleep at night until I've shown a specific example of Curt being an idiot, I ask you to visit this line from Blurt Curt:
So CHB chimes in on the BC coaching fiasco in about as timely a fashion as reporting on the Lincoln Assassination at the outbreak of WWI. Sweet. In the world of hypocrites he’s vaulted to the top spot.

REEEEally? Well. Turns out when Shaughnessy wrote the article, the BC coach hadn't even been fired yet:
Which brings us to Jeff Jagodzinski, the NFL-smitten, AWOL Boston College football coach who appears certain to be fired when he finally meets face to face with athletic director Gene DeFilippo.

Soooooo...Shaughnessy is writing about the BC coach AS HE'S ABOUT TO EITHER GET FIRED OR NOT...which, amongst the smarter circles, is generally referred to as "the thick of things." So actually, Fucking Idiot Monsiuer Schilling, that would be like reporting on the Lincoln assassination AS THE GUN WAS BEING POINTED TO HIS HEAD and not, unfortunately, during WWI. Hmm.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I was so disappointed Wednesday when the crew over at MLB's Hot Stove got to Schilling's chances at becoming an HOFer and did not include fellow analyst Mitch Williams in the discussion. Damn!