Friday, January 16, 2009

Born to Will You Please Shut the Fuck Up Already?

A few weeks ago I (awesomely) lamented HERE re: bands releasing the titles of songs on an upcoming album we have not heard, as if mere fucking titles by themselves could possibly mean something to us. Now, as we're getting closer to the release of Bruce's next album, someone feels the need to keep our interest by fucking DESCRIBING THE SONGS TO US. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! "OOOooooh, we're closer, here's a description!! Oooooh, can we smell the album maybe?!??" Fucking christ.

I'd like to see someone write about an album that hasn't been released yet where they take each song, and list what number the songs makes them think of. Par example:

"Working on a Dream" Song Titles:
Outlaw Pete - 5
My Lucky Day - 1,118
Working on a Dream - 34
Queen of the Supermarket - 229
What Love Can Do - 11,882
This Life - 10
Good Eye - 5
Tomorrow Never Knows - 819,614
Life Itself - 82
Kingdom of Days - 3,309
Surprise, Surprise - 5,660
The Last Carnival - 79

For fuck's sake, we know when the album's coming out. We won't forget, you don't hafta keep "tantalizing" us.

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