Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bush and Fat Kids

If there's any President who can outlive his critics a la Hoover, it's George Bush. One thing you gotta say about the guy, he takes being in shape very seriously. That, coupled with a refreshing lack of worry or introspection of any kind should be the makings for a long post-presidency.

It's curious Bush didn't spend a little time on child fitness, like the Presidential Physical Fitness program et al. I know he was busy creating a coupla fake wars and listening in on my tranny phone sex calls, but you'd think he woulda squeezed in some time to make sure kids weren't having their gym classes taken away throughout the country. Prolly our fittest president ever, and it coincided with the biggest rise of child obesity in history.

Well, unless you count when he famously vetoed a bill that would have dramatically expanded children's health insurance. Maybe that was his plan, the tough love route - "you kids better get your fat asses in shape, cause we ain't paying for your goddam boy-tits reduction." Shit, this coupled with the economy under Bush being so that people can no longer buy food, sounds like all the soon-to-be-former fat people owe Bush a big fat "Thank you, George!!" Is this just another one of Bush's genius moves that is SO over our heads we just don't get it yet, a la porn, social security???!!!

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