Sunday, January 04, 2009

Fucking Nonsense.

While they may have proven otherwise by winning, the fact that the 8-8 Chargers were even playing last night while the 11-5 Patriots sat at home is a fucking joke. Yes, the Chargers won their own division. But placing so much importance on winning your division as to base the entire playoff system on it when the fact is only 37.5% of your games are played against the teams in your own division equals complete bullshit to me.

Complete. BULLSHIT!

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Wow, and I thought it was unfair that the 4th place and 86-76 Toronto Blue Jays stayed home (not to mention the the 3rd place NYY), while the 84-78 Dodgers went to the post season!

I guess my ignorance of other sports kept me insulated from your stat...

I dunno 'bout football, but I'm a proponent of baseball teams playing EVERYONE ELSE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF TIMES. Otherwise stats are skewed and not truly accurate, in my book.

But what the fuck do I know?