Sunday, January 04, 2009

Mr. Fucking Making Me Misery

Despite Ben Affleck being the worst actor in the history of Earth, I've always liked watching Good Will Hunting. But what drives me FUCKING BANANAS are the scenes where Affleck & Co. pick Will up in the morning to go to work. Because they don't just drive up to Will's house and either wait a few seconds, or honk the horn. No. They stop the car, then Ben GETS OUT OF THE CAR, walks up on the porch, and knocks on the door for Will. Who appears in about 1 second, at which point they walk back to the car, in which the front seat has inexplicably been left open for Will even though he's the last stop.

I mean, for fuck's sake - you KNOW they're rolling up at the exact same time every morning! You can't have your ass out on the porch? Or if it's cold, you can't be peeping out the window? What the fuck are you doing in there? You make Ben Affleck go through this whole production and, from what I can ascertain, you're basically standing just next to the door the whole time. It's not like sometimes you're caught in the middle of your pilates - you're standing right there!

"Oh, Chucky, it's you...hey, you caught me off-guard, what with me standing 5 inches from the door in my work clothes with my brown bag lunch in hand, silently waiting and all. Hmm, I guess I'm ready to go." grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!


Kiko Jones said...

I believe critics call that "Plot Contrivance" or something like that. heh, heh

Kiko Jones said...

Here's a thought: someone mentioned to me the other day that a ton of scenes/plot situations in movies and TV shows 10 years old or more, would have to be rethought these days because of the ubiquity of cell phones. (Or the internet, even.) Hmm...