Friday, January 23, 2009

Gitmo Hypocrisy

I love these Republicans who are all of a sudden OUTRAGED!!! that Obama is shutting down Gitmo (in a fucking year.) Yes, I'm sure Obama is personally gonna escort these prisoners into heavily populated Girl Scout troops. They're all of a sudden FURIOUS!!!, shouting that instead of simply releasing them, Obama has to determine who's guilty and who's not and deal with them.

Which is funny, cause I haven't heard these same people screaming that we have to do something with them before this week. I guess they were happy with the ol' American "guilty til proven more guilty, no due process" etc way of American justice.

I guess I have two questions about all this. Number One, what the fuck have they been doing down there for 7 goddam years? Have we just been letting guilty AND innocent men stew in their cells for almost a decade for a reason, or are we just really, really bad at this? I mean, the way someone like Rudy Guiliani likes to describe these people whenever he's lighiting up my tv is that they're "evil monsters." Well, if you can't prove the guilt of an "evil monster" after seven years, maybe you need to go back to a real law school. I mean, was Monica Goodling in charge of appointing all these lawyers? Wtf?

And number two, how can we blame this on Bill Clinton?

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