Monday, January 12, 2009

Herschel Leak

My final year of Little League my Tigers had a big game against the mighty Yankees, and my coach pulled a Kelly Leak by pulling me from my usual position behind the plate and sticking me in center field. For those who don't remember or have vaginas, if you were terrible in LL they put you in the outfield, and just hoped nothing got hit to you. Before the game Coach took me aside and said he was putting me in CF, and I was under specific instructions to get every ball that was hit to the outfield, no matter where. He told the left and right fielders that if the ball somehow ended up in their gloves, to hold on to it and I would come get it to throw the ball back in for a play. Otherwise, stay out of my way.

I have no idea if we won or last that game, but I thought of it the other day when I flipped to a game on ESPN Classic with the 1982 Georgia Bulldogs, which meant one thing: Herschel Walker. They flashed his game stats, of course he was already up to like 85 carries in the 3rd quarter. But then the other team was kicking off, and...there's Herschel looking to return the kick. This was his Heisman year, and they had him returning kicks. But the thing was, he wasn't the only guy back there, which would've forced them to kick to him...there was another guy lined up with him! Wtf I was thinking...why give the other team the choice? Of COURSE they kicked to the other guy, who took off running. I sat there thinking how the hell was this guy not under instructions to, upon catching the ball, immediately run over and give it to Herschel. Amazing to me.

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