Monday, January 12, 2009


As I like to live by the "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and squirrels give the best handjobs cause their tiny hands make my dick look huge" rule, I sometimes check out, where I stumbled upon this article about the girl who's auctioning off her virginity. Unlike her sister who, as it turns out, had the couth and distinction to merely prostitute herself in the privacy of complete strangers driveways. Like a good girl. "The classy one."

Anyway, I got a kick out of the last line from the post:
And the puzzle is how exactly it came to be that the modern age convinced so many women to throw away their most prized asset, all the while calling it a grand liberation.

Which, it turns out, is something I said a few years back HERE.
7) Everytime I brace myself and think that women have woken up and decided to take over the planet, they shoot themselves in the titties. Over the last few years I’ve been reading/hearing about more and more women deciding that they’re gonna “stick it to men” and show us that they can be like men when it came to sex. I guess a big reason for this was of course “Sex and the City.” Cracks me up. Women have had enough, gonna free themselves, gonna stick it to men by having sex!!!! Lots of it!! Round the clock!!!...of course, to be having all this sex, it's gotta be with are they having all this sex with...all together Hmm. What’s next, cows making themselves hamburgers? That’ll learn us! Men are supposedly idiots, but we’ve quietly steered women towards being promiscuous, dressing like sluts and sleeping around without the hassle of a relationship. Well. You showed us, sister! Best. Secret. Ever. Though. Now. Every. Woman. Is. Going. To. Hate. Me. Though. Not. As. Much. As. Guys. Since. Now. The. Best. Secret. Ever. Is. Out.

Of course, unlike these jackasses I don't hafta pretend to care about "family values" and mushy-mush over a girl's "most prized asset" nonsense. Also, looks like that Things are Good" post was the first time I put my "Bush should be president of Iraq" idea into print.

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