Thursday, January 15, 2009

Joe the Disappointed

Joe the ________'s blanket, vague "disappointment" with the media here would be a lot easier to take if he was somehow remotely an authority on journalism - he comes off sounding like a professor who has checked back in with his old students, who have let him down. But he is not a professor of journalism. Or a journalist even. Matter of fact, he didn't even become famous for his "disappointment with the media", did he? He became famous cause he asked Obama on camera a question about having to pay taxes. It's not like he was found out by the media, somehow through word of mouth "hey, you gotta get a load of this guy - he's HAD IT with the media!!" And now we're supposed to believe that he has spent years studying the media and how said media has "let the avergae Joe down." Hmm.

But what also pisses me off is these journalists he does talk to - he just lightly lambastes them, and they just stand there nodding their heads. How bout somebody, upon watching Joe shake his head at how disappointed he is in them, pipe up with "really? How so?" I have a feeling it would go like this.

JOE: Boy, you guys have really disappointed me.
MEDIA: Really? How so?
JOE: Uhhh...I mean, you're so slanted, so biased.
MEDIA: Really? Like when?
JOE: You know...just give the facts...
MEDIA: Can you give an example?
JOE: know, average Joes, we....uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....


The worst thing that could happen, actually, is Joe actually somehow gets killed over there in the middle of some fighting. Instant sappy right-wing martyr; hell they'd prolly re-do the election. And I can see his fucking Arlington National Cemetary flag-folding ceremony: 10 seconds of silence after Bush talks about God for a few minutes, then some chutterfuck stands up on his folding metal chair "I'M Joe the Plumber!" and the shit catches on like the ending of Dead Poet's Society. Fucking christ.

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