Tuesday, January 06, 2009


So I had my first reading for the play I might be in tonight. Went okay. I don't think I really did worse than anyone else, which is good. I had expected to walk into a roomful of charismatic, vibrant Type-A personalities, but was met with none of that. Or maybe I'M so charismatic and vibrant already? Like when Brothatime! went to a speed-reading class and realized that was how he already read. Grrr.

ANYways. It was kinda fun, certainly interesting. The style of the play and its characters aren't really my personal style - the play style was monotone and minimalist; mine is "how would George Costanza say this?" But hell, I felt like I did as well as anybody else. I think if they really ask me to do it, and I have no conflicts with work then fuck it, I'll do it. AND I'd get paid$$$$$!!!!! :)

One funny thing was I had no idea this was a play that we'd perform 15 tiomes over 3 weeks. I thought it was like elementary school - one show on PTA night, bam! ;)

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Dont forget us little people!