Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Agony, Updated

Since my gout post yesterday, I've received several emails and comments from concerned readers (thank you.) But only Sistatime!, who works for the Arthritis Foundation, could come through with an email so awesome it's almost worth the shit I'm going through. Sigh. God Bless Sistatime!
Hey Xmas-

I read your blog yesterday, I’m sorry it’s flared up again. Hopefully the doctor can get you on track. In the meantime, you can help find that cure! I’m raising money for the Richmond Walk- send this out to some of your friends. There’s a link and they can make a donation directly to my team. No one will be able to say no to you given your current state! Donations will help xmastime’s gout and help sistatime keep her job.

1 comment:

Will said...

standing o. cap doffed