Saturday, January 17, 2009

THANKS George!!

Another thing that sucks about Bush having been such a shitty president is that it ruins any hypothesis that a president can be "chosen by god", as Bush wanted us to believe; that he was somehow "bequeathed" the presidency. If he had been a good president, it might be something we could start to believe in. But instead, on Tuesday we're gonna see someone enter the White House who had to work and fight for everything he has, did not fall into any great wealth or power simply by being born and, barring him giving out the secret formula for Coke or sending Philadelphia into outer space, will most likely be a better president than Bush. Which completely kills my chances of convincing people in 2012 that God secretly chose me to become president, no matter how little experience or qualifications I might actually have. Thanks a fucking lot, George. Now I'm gonna hafta fucking work for a living. George Bush blew it for the rest of us unqualified, underachieving dumb-ass lazy hacks.

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