Monday, February 23, 2009

Banks and the Fucking Idiots

To continue what I was saying the other day HERE, I have also found plenty of people referring to the people being bailed out now as "fucking idiots." As in they should've known they couldn't afford the loans the banks were giving them, they didn't do their due diligence, etc etc. Which is true of course; and the mass of Americans I would think ARE "fucking idiots" when it comes to things like banking. And at the end of the day everything I say doesn't matter much, cause personal responsibility is personal responsibility, and that's that. But there is something to walking in and believing what the bank tells you - after all, aren't they supposed to be the experts in financial lending, not you? Isn't that why you're there in the first place? I have no idea what the hell Kam Sing is saying or how much anything actually is when I'm silently forking over money to them, yet I'm supposed to know enough to take banking officers to task? Really?

For instance, remember this woman? Went to the hospital, was sent home with "kidney stones," next thing you know she's back in the hospital having her hands and legs sawed off. Everyone I know that knows this story shakes their haead "poor, poor woman." Not one person I know has shaken his/her head in disgust and said "what a fucking idiot!" for believing the original diagnosis and leaving the hospital in the first place.

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