Thursday, February 12, 2009

Curious George

Earlier today The Short Bus and I were watching the episode where George gets sprayed by a skunk (Skunked!) for the 15,549th time, and it occurred to me that, like the terrorists who got the Greyhound bus assignment, the skunk really got the short end of the stick when it came to weapons, didn't they? "Let's see...this guy over here has teeth the size of my head and can eat me in one bite...this guy can wrap itself around me and crush me to death, and this one can strike me dead with it's Well, I stink."

Hardly seems fair, no? How the fuck have skunks even survived as a species this whole time - I mean, smell? Really? And we're not talking about stinking up a Junior Women's Club Brunch, we're talking about animals out in the wild. "Ooooooh, I'd better leave that skunk alone, I'd hate for him to spray a foul odor; it might cut through the bird entrails rotting in the corners of my mouth." Fucking whack, n'est pas?

"Smell? That's it, that's what I got?? What am I, Louie Anderson??!!"

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