Saturday, February 21, 2009

The GOP Needs to Hire Me!!!!

If the Republicans are gonna join hands as a party and oppose a bill from Obama, they might wanna choose one that is not actually popular - poll after poll has shown that the percentage of the public against the bill is approximately the same as those who want George Bush on the dollar bill. Pretty much everyone else is willing to give the stimulus a chance. They may not understand it, they may be worried about it, but they're willing to try it. And yes, I know the response will be "Republicans vote by principle, not polls!", but that's complete bullshit cause if Bush had done this bill they would've passed it as quickly as they did the Wall Street bailout (if that's even scientifically possible.) This is just another example of "how tone-deaf can these people be?"


Seriously - if they ARE gonna attack Obama and the bill, they really hafta come up with something better than the "he didn't try bi-partisanship!! He would not compromise!!" stuff they can't go 5 minutes without whining about. First of all, the definition of "compromise" is not "give me exactly what I want." Second of all, attempts at bi-partisanship can be easily proven - every time Obama pisses it's logged; it would probably take about 7 seconds for him to be able to produce documentation detailing the meetings he's had over the past few weeks with Republican leaders (side note - also a stupid argument on your end if it turns out that YOUR GUY met with Democratic leaders exactly 2 TIMES IN EIGHT YEARS.)

My point is, at least try to fool us, or confuse us with something that can't be proven in a single Excel spreadsheet. There probably are ACTUAL REASONS you could've opposed the thing, but hammering away ad nauseum re: your "disappointment" in Obama not reaching across the aisle is complete nonsense. If I offer you my peanut butter sandwich you can say you don't like peanut butter, but you can't say I didn't offer you a sandwich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear XMAS, many times the definition of "compromise" IS "give me exactly what I want." If you don't believe it, get married and see how "compromising" really gets done. Like the Republicans try, you can lodge your complaints, be they the most logical, most practical or even the most ideological, even when you know ain't nobody listening.