Friday, February 06, 2009

I'm (Probably) Amazing

There are a few amazing thing about this post here.

1) Beyond amazing how after them having been a complete failure and driven us into what may soon be called an actual Depression, the Republicans are STILL insisting the solution to it all is tax cuts. Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts!!! Maybe we can use tax cuts to get a real playoff in college football? Or find Nathalie Holloway? Hey, will tax cuts allow me to get a sloppy blowjob from Nathalie Holloway during halftime of a college football playoff game? Eric Cantor says YES!!

2) This is already my 12,067th link to Think Progress today. Which means I may have to put them on the Xmastime Softball Team this year.

3) I like Krugman's line “This is the kind of situation where you try to build a bridge across an economic chasm and if you build half a bridge it doesn’t work.” Cause it tells me that Krugman is a big Xmastime fan, obviously having read THIS POST HERE. Also, it means that I am as smart (prolly smarter) than a Nobel Prize-winning economist (and I got a D in Econ freshman year!! eff YEEEEEEEEEEEW, "Professor"!!!!!!!)

Fridays have really turned into patting myself on the back day, haven't they? Oh well!!


Anonymous said...

Hey lay off Cantor, you anti-Semite? Think about your hatred for Joe Liebermann, too. Republicans - the friends of Jews everywhere even if they couldn't care less.

Kneejerking -


Xmastime said...

hahahaha! i do hate Leiberman, but didnt know Cantor was jewish. him being, you know...Virginian.

I am warned!!!!! ;)