Friday, February 06, 2009

Jacket, Jackoff, Whatever

Like anyone else over the age of 9, I’ve gotten a kick out of the Bush-ites INDIGNATION!!! at Obama’s disrespecting the Oval Office by having the common tackiness to take off his jacket while working. Bush’s insistence on wearing a jacket at all times, while SEEMING to be out of “respect” has all the markings of a child desperately looking to be taken seriously and is hardly anything different than his other costumes - “cowboy”, “fighter pilot” etc we’ve seen him appear in. And when you don’t have anything serious or important to SAY, you try to LOOK serious and important - “Look at me!! I’m in grownup clothes!!!”

Hey dipshits - if it was good enough for this guy, a REAL president, it's good enough for anyone!


Anonymous said...

You can't stop talking about Bush, can you? As a reader, I beg you, move on. It looks desperate.

ope said...

made the same west wing connection. though i pictured the nd hat.

Xmastime said...

nd, nnd, what's the difference???

Kiko Jones said...

How sad is it that the best US president of the last 40+ years is a figment of Aaron Sorkin's fertile imagination?

From the campaign: