Friday, February 06, 2009


The timing of the Michael Phelps nonsense is funny to me, being as news is once again rolling out about Barry Bonds’ steroid case. On one side you have a guy who (might have, of course) took a drug that makes you bigger, faster, stronger, drives your competitive edge up wildly and makes you susceptible to “roid-rage”, wherein you go crazy and break chairs and eat live chickens, feathers clinging to the corners of your mouth. And on the other side, we have a guy who took a drug that makes you slow, sleepy, giggly and susceptible to eating whole bags of cookie dough. Oh yeah, and a woman who took drugs that made her susceptible to shitting out 8 human babies. Really, how much righteous indignation do I have to spread around here all at once? Christ. I'm only one (barely) man, people!!!!!

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