Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nathan Jones

I've been obsessed with the Supremes song Nathan Jones for about a week now. It's driving me crazy, I can't stop listening to it. Partly cause it sounds crazy - opens up with a Lee Perry-style sound, then the song comes crashing in as if already in the middle. And there's about 8 different parts, none of which make sense when put together. Well, or separately. Though what's even stranger is I've apparently just spelled "separately" correctly for the first time in my life. And even that name - you just don't hear a lot of songs with "Nathan" in them, do you? The fucking name is driving me crazy, wondering where the hell they came up with of all things "Nathan." Wtf?

Anyway, an amazing song I'm in love with, even if it makes no sense at all. I was gonna make a "like a woman" joke here, but now feel that such a remark would clash with my reputation for being a classy gentleman, so I passed. You're welcome, ladies. Such that you are, I guess.

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