Sunday, February 15, 2009


I usually put the onus of philanthropy on the rich - they got all the money, I'll say, they should be the ones propping up all the charities. But then this morning I was lying on my PRETTY SPIFFY new bedsheets (thinking bout getting a new comforter this week - stay tuned!!!) and I started thinking maybe it's someone like me who should be doing more heavy lifting in this area. Let's look at my portfolio on a weekly basis: I make enough money to pay all my bills and have enough left over to have a good time throughout the week, but I don't really make enough to think seriously about investing or saving. Well, I guess no amount is too small to sock away every week, but camon. So I'll spend a bunch every week on beer, food delivered to my door, a few car services if I'm particularly lazy, and beer. Certainly I could cut into this wasteful spending and give, say, $50 to the charity of my choice every week, no? I'd be eating and drinking less stupid shit, I'd be contributing to those less fortunate than myself which is good for both them and myself, and while $2500/year isn't huge, I'm guessing that there's more people like me than there are extremely rich people who give away a lot of money every year, so the shit could add up if we let it happen.

Is this actually going to happen? Probably not. Tho I should think about saving now that I'm a quasi-adult. And I'm sure some econ dude would tell me the economy itself is better off with me feeding that $50 into Budwesier and Kam Sing every week as opposed to some tax-free soup kitchen where the money goes who knows where. So I guess I'm just spit-balling here. But hey, it's Sunday. Gimme a freakin break.

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