Friday, February 06, 2009


For all the talk of the woman who just had octuplets and whether or not she's crazy/a horrible person etc, I don't think I've seen a picture of her til now. Hmm.

Diagnosis: I'd do her.

Also: I think she may be my college girlfriend. Hmm.


Anonymous said...

Who is paying for all the medical bills for this delivery and neo natal care and follow up visits? Hope she is not sticking it to Medicaid (and thus to the tax payers).
Any money she is making out of this first should be applied to pay the medical bills (medicaid if she is on welfare), and any left over funds should be set up for college fund for those 14 kids.
Finally she needs to be in a mental house with her Uterus taken out.

Anonymous said...

The government should pay for her bills by suing that brainless invitro company.

Anonymous said...

She took a calculated "risk/gamble" so she can make a living out of sponsors but if that gamble didn't pay out, then what? This is abuse of the system.