Thursday, February 26, 2009


Since McCain's insipid "they're loading bills up with goodies like it's a Christmas Tree!!!!" bullshit we had to hear 5 times a day during the campaign, Republicans have been 100% responsible for screeching that earmarks are going to kill your children by stuffing puppies down their throats until the puppy's dead too. And I defy you to go the next 60 seconds without being able to find a Republican who isn't on the floor in mid-temper tantrum about how all the pork is gonna send us back to caveman days - or, even worse, Europe. My own take on earmarks was written HERE.

So IMAGINE THE SHOCK!!!!! that must be registering now that it turns out that Republicans are responsible for 40% of the earmarks in the omnibus legislation. Gee. Who woulda thunk.

Boy, McCain must be FURIOUS re: all these "goodies"!!!

I feel about earmarks the same as I do when people whine about "wasteful spending," thinking that things are only labeled as "wasteful spending" or "pork" if it's "stuff I don't want for myself," as I said HERE a few months ago,
While bashing the diarrhea of spending throughout the last eight years was applicable during the election since "financial conservatism" is a basic tenet of the Republican Party, I feel any "outrage!" over government spending in general is fairly hypocritical. "Over-spending" loosely translates to "not spending money on shit I want." With their daddy/small dick issues there is no amount of money you can get a right-winger to admit is too much for Defense, and the same goes for liberals when it comes to bunnies/rainbows/tree-hugging etc. But to act like you're against government spending as a philosophy or cause you know what's best for the country is bullshit.

What IS important to note is that this does not necessarily make Republicans full of shit; as when I was a teenager I remember confronting my Dad that I was NOT gay, since only 40% of people that I fucked had penises. So let's keep this in perspective.

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