Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stimulus Pt. 3228

My buddy Gnat, who thinks he's the only Republican I know ;) posted a comment HERE yesterday, asking "If we could stimulate the economy on the $200 million then why flush the other $700 million on the wasteful programs tacked on to this bill?"

I've said before that something like seems to demand overshooting, not under-shooting. First of all, let's be clear - none of us has any idea what the "perfect number" for any stimulus would be. But if, say, $200B and $700B are equally arbitrary, I would think that the danger of going for the $200B would be that if it fails, you've negated the worth of that $200B, you've ADDED to the amount that would then be needed, and you're left sitting there further on down the road with no plan or bill that works. So basically you've thrown $200B into a well cause you think you wanna save some money, and now it's gonna exponentially cost more to start over again. Whereas with the $700B maybe that's too much, but at least there's the chance that you've given a plan enough support to actually work in the first place. So even if after the theoretical dust settles and we see that we only needed $500B, at least we have a economy that has recovered and then $200B left over to put to good use and make things even more robust.

I suppose an appropriate analogy would be to get a hooker, who tells you you may pay $20 for 15 minutes or $35 for 1/2 hour. Trying to save some dough you go for the 15 minutes, but your 15 minutes comes and goes before you do. So now you've spent $20 and gotten zero satisfaction, whereas you could've spent $35 and made sure you got your nut off. One way you're fucked, and the other one you're fucked and happy.

Okay, maybe not THAT analagous, but the bottom line is someone needs to buy me a hooker.


Anonymous said...

Oops I used millions instead of billions. Still, the way this thing is being ramrodded on the public and the Republicans is contrary to the spirit of what you want to do - give Obama his chance to get the job done. Fine BO - propose these things (which I and many believe are the extraneous fluff) to the Congress for approval through the committee system and the normal process. But do not tell me that dog parks and dairy cows are part of the immediate and necessary solution. What happened to "No more Washington as usual!" Mr. President? One of YORFs

Xmastime said...

who's being ramrodded? poll after poll shows the people agree with Obama's plan. Camon. nobody thinks like your favorite Senators; there's about 260,999,999 Americans who could care less about political posturing.

ope said...

the money is about the future bro! you pay a hundo now so she comes back the next time with with her stache lasered. the time after that her back sheared until ultimately shes energy fucking efficient.

Anonymous said...

it's always easier to spend somebody else's money, ain't it?

Xmastime said...