Friday, February 06, 2009

Thanks, Asshole

There's a lot of reasons to fucking hate Sex and the City, but right now the #1 reason has to be that it spawned the phrase "He's just not that into you." Which means now we're being pummeled with a daily talk show from that dipshit "comedian," and some shit movie that has the Mac guy, who's head I want to slice open and dump in the river, and countless fucking articles in Cosmo and guests on Oprah having to be told that yes, if a dude does not want to stick his dick in you he MIGHT not be interested in buying you dinner twice a week and pretending to give a shit about your mother. Thanks, SATC! (shotgun in mouth)

"Hi! I get paid a bunch of money for saying shit that 7th graders say every day! MAN am I a dipshit! Say, like my haircut? It's SO hip! I wish I hadn't been born in 1963!!!!"

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