Sunday, February 01, 2009

Torture Does Not Work

Andrew Sullivan agrees with me HERE re: just because I'm against torture doesn't necessarily mean I'm a limp-wristed, tree-hugging fairy cake-boy who wears gingham dresses; it might actually mean that I simply don't believe it's effective at all.
What some on the far right seem not to grasp is that opposition to torture is not about being soft on terrorism. It is about being effective against terrorism - ensuring that intelligence is not filled with torture-generated garbage, that we retain the moral high-ground in a long war against theocratic violence, and that we can better identify, capture, kill or bring to justice those who threaten our way of life.

Which is what I said in my post from last December. Including:
But where torture loses me is that it just does not work. For fuck's sake, I said this a year ago:
...if you’re going to do shit that’s immoral and illegal and repulsive to anyone who’s even part human, at least make sure the shit works! Water-board my ass and within seconds I’ll tell you I shot Kennedy, fuck little boys and have never watched all of Caddyshack. Torture does not work; is it worth being morally bankrupt?

For fuck's sake. Torture: like a Sarah Lawrence graduate, it just don't work.

Thanks for reading Sully! ;)

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