Sunday, February 01, 2009

Who's in Charge of Advertising?

The sexy PETA vegetables ad has been causing an uproar every lately; including on Kiko Jones HERE.

I've long ranted re: the absurdity and offensiveness of marketing wizards who think that putting a scantily-clad woman in a commercial will make me drop what I'm doing and run out and buy their product, as well as on the Food Network (and sideline reporters for the NFL.)

But even more than thinking how absurd or offensive an ad like this is, I wonder how an ad like this is even effective? What do they think I wanna do when I'm watching a video like this, run out and buy vegetables? No - I get horny, and wanna run out and fuck a bunch of hot women. Or, more immediately, masturbate. For the same reason that when I'm watching porn, and some smoking hot chick is blowing a dude I don't think "boy, I should probably run out and suck some dicks!!!"

For fuck's sake.

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